A Studio Ghibli adaption of a popular fantasy series, Tales from earthsea!

I just have to say this movie's dragons are so pretty to look at! Which I mean of course they are, it's studio ghibli!

(Dominic Noble has wonderful reviews that I recommend but this video doesn't focus that much on the ghibli adaption cuz legal reasons but still recommend watching)

Released in 2006,this movie is about well,Tales from earthsea! Except,the plot is more of a combo of the first four books from the series and Miyazaki's manga series, Shuna's journey. Although, it would be Goro Miyazaki who wrote and directed this movie which no shade to him since he did work on one of my favorite Ghibli movie,ponyo but he was also the director for Earwig and the witch so take that as you will. Starts off strong with a ship of humans watching two dragons fight with one of them dying. Animation is as good as you can imagine for a studio ghibli movie. Apparently Tales from Earthsea was very hard to adapt as Le Guin wanted to be involved with the movie so it comes out as true to the story which is why as an adaption of the series it sucks.more info to come and also pics!


  • My Rating

  • Amazon:4.7/5

  • IMdb:6.3/10

  • Barnes and Noble:N/A

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