The Hydra!

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The fearsome multi headed dragon that famously fought against the demi god Hercules!

Hydras are often used in political art as a way to represent multiple political/national enemies which makes since even if it sometimes comes up with bizarre results

Hydra is also a constellation, named for well looking like a hydra kinda!

image and information citations

Bisbee, Ezra, Publisher. Political Quixotism shewing the consequences of sleeping in patent magic spectacles The diplomatic Hercules, attacking the poitical hydra / / from a very big picter in the Jinerals Bed-Room, draw'd off from Nater by Zek Downing, Historical Painter to Uncle Jack & Jineral Jackson. [N.Y.: Published by E. Bisbee, 95 Canal St., N.Y., ?] Photograph. Retrieved from the Library of Congress, .

Hall, Sidney, Etcher. Noctua, Corvus, Crater, Sextans UraniƦ, Hydra, Felis, Lupus, Centaurus, Antlia Pneumatica, Argo Navis, and Pyxis Nautica / Sidy. Hall, sculpt. Photograph. Retrieved from the Library of Congress, .