Serpent shapeshifter hero Gucumatz!

His name meaning Plumed Serpent, Gucumatz is a K'iche' Mayan hero who could shapeshift into multiple forms such as a serpent. Gucumatz, like Kukulcan is a creation god who helped another creation god Tepeu and a thunder and lightning god Hurakan create the earth and all animals except they had yet to create humans.

Wishing to be praised for their hard work, the gods created humans. First from mud, which all came apart when wet. Then from wood. But these were too stiff in personality to be grateful towards the gods. So the gods destroyed them although some escaped and became monkeys. Finally, the three gods made humans out of corn, all of them men and all of them praised the gods for what they've done. But the gods thought them too wise and so Hurakan clouded their eyes. Then the men were given sleep and women to create offspring.

Bingham, Ann. South and Meso-American Mythology A to Z. Vol. 8, Facts On File, 2004.