Dragonlance Dragons of Autumn Twilight!

So from what I understand this is one of the only movies for the Dragonlance franchise, which is not suprising as I never even heard of it until I saw the library copy and decided why not? Got dragons in it! So yeah, it was released in 2008 which does not match the vibe of the animation style but that might be my relatively ignorant self talking. It defintely looks more like an 80's cartoon show though.

The general plot of the movie is summarized as "A barbarian woman with a miraculous healing staff gains the help of a group of to-be heroes as an army of dragons invades the land"

The movie uses CGI models for the dragons which stand out very noticible among the 2d animated people and enviroments. The voice acting sounds very amatuer which does affect my enjoyment of the film. Adding onto this, the movie's soundtrack is not balanced correctly, meaning it can be quite hard to hear the characters talk over the music. Also I can't watch this movie in full screen on my modern computer as it loses the already poor quality. Meaning you have to watch it in a tiny box(like my computers absolute limit on tiny) to not get the odd blur of the line work.

This movie is rated pg-13 but there are some scenes involving a barmaid's chest nearly flashing another character due to her outfit riding downwards and in general, this movie has an issue with the treatment of women tbh. Take a shot everytime the film brings up faith(don't,you'll get sick)

The Ratings!

My rating:3.8/5, I judged this movie off the cool ass dragon on the cover and got my expections quickly destroyed(aka this movie catfished me)

TMDB: 52%


Amazon: 4.3/5